Resources: Competitive Programming
Authors: Benjamin Qi, Neo Wang
Helpful links specifically for competitive programming.
Within This Guide
These resources are frequently referenced within this guide.
- Competitive Programmer's Handbook (CPH) - Antti Laaksonen
- The CSES problemset (now at 300 problems) is quite good!
- No official tutorials, but the following links might be helpful if you're stuck.
- Guide to Competitive Programming is a paid book based off CPH.
- Principles of Algorithmic Problem Solving - Johan Sannemo
- practice problems from Kattis
- Competitive Programming Book - Steven Halim, Felix Halim
- Competitive Programming 2 is freely available but old.
- Competitive Programming 4 is the latest edition of the book (with significant additions) but costs money.
Excluding those mentioned above.
Competitive Programming
- CS Guide - Samuel Hsiang, Alexander Wei, Yang Liu
- Programming Challenges - Steven Skiena, Miguel Revilla
- Looking for a Challenge
- written by a group of authors associated with the Polish Olympiads
- Cracking the Coding Interview
- good book specifically for interviews
General Purpose Algorithms Books
See the USACO Resources Page.
- Competitive Programming Course - Bjarki Ágúst Guðmundsson
- practice problems from Kattis
- Carnegie-Mellon ICPC Course - Danny Sleator
- topic-specific contests in CF group
- VPlanet - Riya Arora
- courses for various levels
- Codeforces Edu - ITMO University
- intermediate to advanced data structures and algorithms
- KTH ICPC Team Reference (KACTL)
- ICPC book
- USACO Github - Benjamin Qi
- ICPC book
- past USACO solutions
- ekzlib - Eric Zhang
- (advanced) implementations
Youtube Channels
Other Resources
- VisuAlgo
- Animated algorithm visualizer
- Topcoder Data Science Tutorials
- many, format is not always great
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