Introduction to DP
Authors: Michael Cao, Benjamin Qi, Neo Wang, Daniel Zhu
Speeding up naive recursive solutions with memoization.
Dynamic Programming (DP) is an important algorithmic technique in Competitive Programming from the gold division to competitions like the International Olympiad of Informatics. By breaking down the full task into sub-problems, DP avoids the redundant computations of brute force solutions.
Although it is not too difficult to grasp the general ideas behind DP, the technique can be used in a diverse range of problems and is a must-know idea for competitors in the USACO Gold division.
General Resources
Resources | ||||
CPH | Great introduction that covers most classical problems. Mentions memoization. | |||
TC | General tutorial, great for all skill levels | |||
CPC | Contains examples with nonclassical problems | |||
CP2 | Describes many ways to solve the example problem + additional classical examples | |||
HR | Covers classical problems | |||
AR |
If you prefer watching videos instead, here are some options:
Resources | ||||
Youtube | Great introduction video | |||
Youtube | Errichto DP video regarding coin change | |||
Youtube | Errichto DP problem editorial | |||
Youtube | Animated DP videos that pertain to interview questions |
Pro Tip
It's usually a good idea to write a slower solution first. For example, if the complexity required for full points is and you come up with a simple solution, then you should definitely type that up first and earn some partial credit. Afterwards, you can rewrite parts of your slow solution until it is of the desired complexity. The slow solution might also serve as something to stress test against.
Example - Frog 1
Focus Problem – try your best to solve this problem before continuing!
The problem asks us to compute the minimum total cost it takes for a frog to travel from stone to stone given that the frog can only jump a distance of one or two. The cost to travel between any two stones and is given by , where represents the height of stone .
Without Dynamic Programming
Time Complexity:
Since there are only two options, we can use recursion to compute what would happen if we jumped either stone, or stones. There are two possibilities, so recursively computing would require computing both a left and right subtree. Therefore, for every additional jump, each branch splits into two, which results in an exponential time complexity.
However, this can be sped up with dynamic programming by keeping track of "optimal states" in order to avoid calculating states multiple times. For example, recursively calculating jumps of length and reuses the state of stone . Dynamic programming provides the mechanism to cache such states.
With Dynamic Programming
Time Complexity:
There are two main DP approaches:
- Push DP, where we update future states based on the current state
- Pull DP, where we calculate the current state based on past states
We present both approaches below.
Push DP
There are only two options: jumping once, or jumping twice. Define as the minimum cost to reach stone . Therefore, must represent the next stone, and must represent the stone after that. Then, our transitions are as follows at stone must be:
Jump one stone, incurring a cost of :
Jump two stones, incurring a cost of :
We can start with the base case that , since the frog is already on that square, and proceed to calculate .
#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;int main() {int N;cin >> N;vector<int> height(N);for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { cin >> height[i]; }// dp[N] is the minimum cost to get to the Nth stone
import*;import java.util.*;public class Main {public static void main(String[] args) {Kattio io = new Kattio();int N = io.nextInt();int[] height = new int[N];for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { height[i] = io.nextInt(); }
N = int(input())height = [int(s) for s in input().split()]"""dp[N] is the minimum cost to get to the Nth stone(we initially set all values to INF)"""dp = [float("inf") for _ in range(N)]# dp[0] = 0 is our base case since we're already at the first stonedp[0] = 0
Pull DP
There are two ways to get to stone : from stone and stone .
Jump from stone , incurring a cost of :
Jump from stone , incurring a cost of :
We can start with the base case that , since the frog is already on that square, and proceed to calculate .
#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;int main() {int N;cin >> N;vector<int> height(N);for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { cin >> height[i]; }// dp[N] is the minimum cost to get to the Nth stone
import*;import java.util.*;public class Main {public static void main(String[] args) {Kattio io = new Kattio();int N = io.nextInt();int[] height = new int[N];for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { height[i] = io.nextInt(); }
N = int(input())height = [int(s) for s in input().split()]"""dp[N] is the minimum cost to get to the Nth stone(we initially set all values to INF)"""dp = [float("inf") for _ in range(N)]# dp[0] = 0 is our base case since we're already at the first stonedp[0] = 0
Classical Problems
The next few modules provide examples of some classical problems: Dynamic Programming problems which are well known. However, classical doesn't necessarily mean common. Since so many competitors know about these problems, problemsetters rarely set direct applications of them.
Resources | ||||
CSES | You should know how to do all of these once you're finished with the DP section. Editorials are available here. | |||
AC | Some tasks are beyond the scope of Gold. Editorials are available here. | |||
CF | Beginner-friendly classical problems. Some tasks requires input/output files. The solutions can be found here | |||
CF | Good practice problems. You should be able to do most of these after completing the Gold DP module. Some problems might be out of the scope for gold. |
Some of these problems will be mentioned in the next few modules.
Introductory Problems
Easier problems that don't require many optimizations or complex states.
Note - Ordering of DP Modules
You are not expected to complete all of the problems below before starting the other DP modules. In particular, we recommend that you begin with the "easy" problems from the knapsack module if this is your first encounter with DP.
Status | Source | Problem Name | Difficulty | Tags | |
CF | Easy | Show TagsDP | |||
Gold | Easy | Show TagsDP | |||
Gold | Easy | Show TagsDP | |||
Gold | Normal | Show TagsDP | |||
Gold | Normal | Show TagsDP | |||
DMOJ | Normal | Show TagsDP | |||
CF | Hard | Show TagsBFS, DP |
Harder USACO
Status | Source | Problem Name | Difficulty | Tags | |
Gold | Hard | Show TagsDP | |||
Gold | Hard | Show TagsDP | |||
Gold | Hard | Show TagsDP, Prefix Sums | |||
Gold | Hard | Show TagsAPSP, DP, Prefix Sums | |||
Plat | Hard | Show TagsDP | |||
Gold | Very Hard | Show TagsDP | |||
Gold | Very Hard | Show TagsDP |
Module Progress:
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